Sunday 6 January 2013

Lucky Number 13

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you had a well-deserved break and enjoyed some time with family and friends. I was lucky enough to catch up with my loved ones over the festive season and enjoy some quality time with them. Below are a couple of happy snaps from my time at the Gold Coast :)

2012 was definitely a year of highs and lows for me and taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible. In saying that, I was very excited to welcome the new year and a fresh start in 2013.

Here are the things I am most looking forward to this year...

  1. Heading back over to Europe
  2. Racing the French Grand Prix Series with Tri St Amand-Dun 18
  3. Getting the best out of myself and pushing myself beyond where I think possible
  4. Winning!
Hope you have set yourself some goals for this year and are willing to do whatever it takes to reach them. I would like to share this picture with you. I look at it everyday and it makes me smile so I hope it brightens your day too. 

Ellie xx